Saturday 28 April 2012

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic Acupuncture is the permanent solution for all cosmetology complaints like Hair falling, Hair Loss, Baldness, Skin Complexion, Wrinkles, Pigmentation, Face lifts, Weight Control, Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Body Shaping, Breast Sagging, Muscle Tightening, Obesity and Stretch Marks. 

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a non-surgical, absolutely pain-free process to improve the complexion, elasticity, and youthfulness of the skin while reducing its fine lines, sagging, dark circles, and puffiness under the eyes.

It is a holistic healthy alternative to invasive techniques like plastic surgery or injections. Cosmetic acupuncture also treats underlying imbalances in the body and improves overall health. Today people are very beauty conscious, so it’s no wonder many people are going to great lengths in a quest to look younger.

People world-wide are spending an increasing number of money every year on invasive and unsafe procedures such as cosmetic surgery, collagen injections, and botox. As an alternative, many Hollywood people including celebrities such as Madonna & Cher etc., are turning to traditional Chinese medicine for cosmetic acupuncture. An “acupuncture facelift” is a non-invasive process that can even improve overall health.

Cosmetic acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into the face and body in order to increase the blood circulation and collagen production within the skin. It improves the complexion, elasticity, and youthfulness of the skin while reducing its fine lines, sagging, dark circles, and puffiness under the eyes. Cosmetic acupuncture is more than just a beauty treatment. Cosmetic acupuncture also treats underlying imbalances in the body and improves overall health. Digestive problems, stress, insomnia, menopausal symptoms, and irregular menstruation are among the conditions treated in cosmetic acupuncture sessions. This procedure is magical in its effectiveness. It is an excellent alternative to cosmetic surgery, 100-percent natural, and free of side effects.

The procedure helps prevent the skin from showing the effects of aging, as it helps maintain collagen production, blood circulation, and energy flow within the layers of the skin. Maintaining blood and energy flow throughout particular meridians (energy pathways) running into the face keep it clear, glowing, and healthy. The cost of cosmetic acupuncture is slightly higher than medical acupuncture. The course of treatment involves depending on the condition of the patient. Cosmetic Acupuncturist needs to diagnose the person disharmony before the relevant treatment.

Prof. Dr. S. Nargis Wahaab ...

Prof. Dr. S. Nargis Wahaab is a “Youngest Acupuncturist” Award winner. She started learning Acupuncture and Complementary systems enthusiastically and conveyed her knowledge with other students. She was greatly encouraged and appreciated by her teachers. On the whole she is interested in medical service especially very much passionate about her profession Acupuncture. By practicing and teaching these systems she feels harmonious.

To prove the greatness of Acupuncture she underwent Acupuncture anesthesia for her own extraction process with an experienced dentist. The paper presentation about this was presented in the seminars and the World conferences. It was highly appreciated in the conference held in German 2008. She is specializing in Cosmetic Acupuncture and Children Acupuncture.

Her intention is to make the future generation healthier by treating Special Children and Diseased Children. The London based Cosmetic acupuncture is very much effective in treating Cosmetology Complaints. She is deliberately working in the developing phase of Cosmetic Acupuncture in India by Seminars, Classes, Work Shops, Books e.t.c., She is an Acupuncture Prodigy, dedicating her knowledge and talents to improvise the teaching syllabus, Acupuncture books to the students and Practitioners, supporting her father Prof. Dr. A. W. Salaaudeen, in all of his research works.   

Practicing Acupuncture & Complementary therapies since 2004

Conducting Seminar classes, Awareness Programme, Free medical camps since 2005
Youngest Acupuncturist Award Winner 2006
Best Acupuncturist Award Winner 2007
Award for Best Service 2008

Certificate of Achievement Award 2006-2007(50 weeks of Free Acupuncture camp with Rotary Club)

Specializing in Children Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Acupuncture Anesthesia…

Prof. Dr. A. W. Salaaudeen Wahaab

Prof. Dr. A. W. Salaaudeen belongs to a hereditary medical family. His father Dr. K.M.A. Wahaab was an eminent medical practitioner since 1950 and he was a Tamil scholar. The Government of Tamil Nadu honored his service by presenting “Poet Paavendhar Bharathidasan Award” in 1983.After Dr.K.M.A. Wahaab’s period the service was successfully continuing by his son Prof. Healer. A. W. Salaaudeen with his Mother Dr. Mrs. A. Ameena Wahaab, with his wife Healer. Mrs. S. Shameena Salaaudeen, Son Healer. S. Prem Wahaab and his daughter Healer. S. Nargis Wahaab and his family members. There are fifteen doctors in his family and practicing various medical systems.He was basically practicing Siddha and Homoeo following his father. When he was in Singapore in 1987 he came to know about Acupuncture. But he couldn’t have the opportunity to practice Acupuncture because of lack of Awareness among the public about this system.

He started Acupuncture practice enthusiastically after contact of Prof. Dr. C. Abdulla Sehu who is dedicated his life to promote this system, and he is the Founder – President of ATAMA (All Tamil Nadu Acupuncture & Alternative Medical Association).
The Miraculous relief, cure and the simplicity of this Acupuncture made him to become a Teacher and he started training people and established Acupuncture Training Institutes.

Prof. Hr. A.W. Salaaudeen personally trained more than 600 students in his centre and he mainly given crash training and personalized training to many experienced Allopathy Doctors and persons from other branch and Paramedical field.
Many of the students of this institution came as patients to the Clinic and after the miraculous relief they join to learn this fantastic curing system.

He did his Ph.D., in the topic of “Holistic Approach to Migraine”. Now he is guiding his students to do their research works.
He learned Sujok Acupuncture directly from the Originator of this system Prof. Park Jae Woo of Korea.
His versatility was proved in many stages by implementing the systems like Acupuncture, Sujok Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture, Scalp Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping, Magneto Therapy, Flower Remedies, Twist Therapy, Reflexology, Energy Healing, Pranic Healing etc.,

He generalized various systems and made an excellent training module out of his experience.

He made a record by specializing Acupuncture Anaesthesia in Tooth extraction with the support of Dr. D. Ramesh M.D.S., 43 years experienced Maxilo Facial Surgeon and an experienced Pranic Healer.

He is doing many researches to simplify the implementation method of this Acupuncture by combining Pranic Healing techniques and made a new system called Pranic Acupuncture.

To develop the system he is conducting lots of awareness programme and free Acupuncture Medical Camps in remote Villages, Schools, Colleges, Educational Institutions, Service Organizations, State and Central Government Offices, Public Service Departments etc., and established seven clinical branches in the name of Dr. Wahaab’s Pranic Acupuncture and
Complementary Therapies in and around Chennai and Pondicherry.

His future plan is to establish hundred clinics in the same name. His Vision is to create an Acupuncturist in every family to achieve DISEASE FREE DRUGLESS WORLD.

Cosmetic Acupuncture…            Head to Toe…

Cosmetic Acupuncture…  12 Techniques ....

Difference between Acupuncture and Cosmetic Acupuncture:

  Treating the External Cosmetic complaints along with the Root Causes.
For an example: Gynecological Syndrome connects the Skin patches in the face.
Insomnia leads to Dark Circles and Pale face.
Toxin accumulation in blood leads to Skin diseases.
Each and every cosmetic complaint is directly connects internal energy imbalances.
Cosmetic problems are the manifestation of internal diseases.

Merits of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Non-Surgical Procedures
Risk Free Way
Painless Process
Cost Effective
Immediate Results
Long-lasting Results

Surgical Complaints
Structural Deformities
Congenital Complaints
Diseased Conditions
Post surgical scars
Accidental scars

Dry Hair with Dandruff
Cosmetology 1

ROOT CAUSE: Lung and Kidney yin deficiency…

ADVICE: Dry hair is another symptom of dry skin and scalp and also causes dandruff.
  Massaging olive oil or coconut oil into the scalp once a week for at least for 30 minutes (hot towel wrapped).

  Drinking more water, moist and watery diets.

  Patients sometimes advised to wash only twice in a week to preserve the natural oils.

  Using hairspray to hold a style should be avoided as much as possible.


Points to tonify Lung yin
  Lu 1, Ren 17, Lu 9

Points to tonify Kidney yin
  K 7 alternated with K 10, Ren 3, Sp 6

These points can be used together, initially twice weekly, and later once a week. No local treatment is needed.

Cosmetology 2

Alopecia means loss of hair from the head or body. Alopecia includes baldness.

  Hairstyling routines may also induce hair loss, as can hair relaxer solutions, and hot hair irons.

  In some cases, alopecia is due to underlying medical conditions, such as iron deficiency.

  Researchers have determined that this form of hair loss is related to hormones called androgens, particularly an androgen called dihydrotestosterone.

  Androgens are important for normal male sexual development before birth and during puberty.

  Androgens also have other important functions in both males and females, such as regulating hair growth and sex drive.

ROOT CAUSE: Our head hair is nourished by Kidney yin and Liver Blood.
  Overworked, Stressed, Blood loss, Anaemia, Dry Climate.
  Dryness makes the hair brittle and causes split ends.
  Blood deficiency (stress consumes Liver Blood) makes the roots weak, thin and dull.

The mechanical strain of washing, combing or even moving the head on the pillow is enough to cause the loss of large handfuls of hair.

Hair loss in Stomach area Treat with Local electro-stimulation

  Sp 4 luo
  St 42 sedation
  K 7

Hair loss in Liver area Treat with local electro-acupuncture

  Liv 5 luo
  GB 40 sedation
  K 7 (Local Stimulating Technique - Electrical stimulation to cool the area of hair loss).

Hair Falling
Cosmetology 3

  Hyperactive yang in meridian (excessive heat - head area)
  Liver Blood deficiency
  Kidney yin deficiency

Front and temples                   Stomach, Large Intestine
  Vertex                                                   Liver, Pericardium
Side                                      Gall Bladder, Triple Warmer

  Occiput                        Urinary Bladder, Small Intestine

Balance Stomach yin deficiency and yang excess
Ren 12 – Mu-front of Stomach (will cool and calm the Stomach).

  Sp 4 and St 42 sedation – combining Luo-connecting point of yin organ and sedation of yuan-source point of yang organ will tonify yin and sedate yang.

  Take care with diet – avoid foods that may irritate the Stomach and increase heat – mainly alcohol, strong coffee and spices.

Balance Liver yin deficiency and yang excess

  Liv 5 and GB 40 sedation – Luo-connecting point of yin organ and sedate yuan-source point of yang organ.

  Avoid sour foods, alcohol and stress, all of which will increase Liver yang aspect.

In hair loss of any type, the Kidney yin must first be tonified, ideally on point K - 7. The patient should also drink water more regularly and rest more.

  If Liver Blood deficiency can be established, then Blood should be tonified with points Ren 14, UB 15, UB 17, Sp 10, GB 39 and an iron supplement.


  Gently massage the scalp with coconut, olive or sesame oil, leave it on for 30 minutes or overnight, and then wash. This will cool and nourish the hair roots and is much better than any conditioner; this can be done once a week.

  Take an herbal iron supplement if there is Blood deficiency.

  Go to bed before midnight.
  Post-menopausal women, or men of the same age, should have an afternoon rest whenever possible (the heat tends to rise up because of the Kidney yin deficiency).

  Drink plenty of water regularly. Eat watery foods and greens.

Do’s and Don’ts

  Keep head cool (not cold!). If one has a hot head and cold feet, then a warm foot bath will change this order.

  Don’t wash hair too often – twice weekly is fine.

  If hair is too greasy, there is a fault with the diet. This can be caused by excessive milk products, cheese, processed meats such as sausage, fatty meats and oily preparations and excessive refined sugars.

  Avoid close caps and hats when possible: they increase the damp–heat in the head.
  Do not use a hairdryer regularly unless it is necessary to go out soon after washing the hair – and then keep it at a reasonable distance.

  Avoid direct sunlight on the head for long.

  Avoid coffee and alcohol.

Early Grey
Cosmetology 4

Root Cause:

  In the case of both hair loss and premature greying of head hair (the second is a symptom of Kidney yang deficiency), patients seem to express concern only when it is too late.

  In traditional Chinese medicine, we worry about tendencies of the body rather than extreme symptoms, predominantly because the more chronic and far gone an imbalance, the more difficult it becomes to correct.

  When imbalances are detected early, however, they are easier to correct and prevent from going into a chronic state.


  It is normal to lose hair during climate changes and when the weather is dry, during at least two cycles of the year. But then the hair grows again and returns to the earlier state.

  If one notices hair loss in large quantities – covering the pillow or the shower base – it is alarmingly high and needs treatment.

  Because, even if hair grows again, it will be less and thinner than before, and will gradually lead to serious proportions.

  If we notice hair loss when we are overworked, when we have long periods of poor sleep and when we are generally run down, then we need to treat the hair loss.

Cosmetology 5

 Western Medical Concept:

  Warts are small solid growths, arising from the surface of the skin.

  They are usually due to a papillomavirus infection of the skin.

  They typically disappear after a few months but can last for years and can recur.

  They are highly infectious, and it is estimated that 10% of the population suffer from them.

  The infection is spreadable in nature.

Warts – traditional Chinese medicine view

  A stagnation of damp on meridian if it is in a small area (e.g. dorsum of hand).
   Damp stagnation in Lung if they are extensive.


  Local needles around wart or hot needle in the wart.
  Two treatments weekly, 8 - 12 sessions in total.
  Surrounding Dragon Technique

Treatment of plantar warts – foot sole is associated with the Kidneys

  UB 58 Luo-connecting point.
  UB 23 Back-Shu point.
  Ginger moxa on sole, over the warts.
  If extensive, sedate Lu 5.

Warts on the dorsum of the hand

  If the warts are mainly on the back of the hands, then we could treat the Triple Warmer meridian.

  The points we would use are UB 22 (Back-Shu of triple warmer), TW 6 (house element point) and TW 5 (Luo-connecting point).

Warts on the palms

  If the warts were mainly on the palm, then we should be treating the Lung meridian, as this flows on the palm.

  We can use points UB 13 (Back-Shu of Lung), Lu 10 (the grandmother point) and LI 6 (Luo-connecting point).

Special Note:
  If the warts are extensive and cover many meridians, then sedation of Lung yin with point Lu 5, the sedation point, is necessary.

  If you want to shift the energy from yin to yang (sedate yin and tonify yang) with an element, it is always the Luo-connecting point of the yang meridian that is used.

Cosmetology 6

Pathophysiology of acne…

  Increased production of sebum, manifested as greasy skin.

  Proliferation of commensal bacteria, in part connected with increased production of sebum.

  An inflammatory reaction to commensal bacteria and hyperkeratosis.

  In women, increased androgen values may be relevant, especially in association with polycystic ovary disease.

Acne vulgaris – traditional Chinese medicine view

  Thick oily skin – dampness in Lung (and Spleen).

  Deep scars which remain after healing, making skin very uneven – signifies yin deficiency and the fluid being too thick.

  Poor elimination of skin – Lung (and LI) Qi deficiency.

  Inflammation – Lung yang excess


  Reduce dampness – Lu 5 sedation (perhaps also Sp 9).

  Improve circulation – UB 13, St 40, many local needles.

  Promote elimination – LI 4, St 25, TW 6.

  Cool the heat – Sp 10 or UB 17.

  Disperse heat – Lu 5 venous bleeding.


  Avoid dairy products and refined sugars to counter dampness.

  Treat twice weekly for 12 sessions.

  The highlight of the treatment is the local points on the areas of the acne.

The technique


  With the patient lying down, place many short needles subcutaneously at the areas where the acne is prevalent.

  The needles should be given just deep enough to stand, and not fall against the skin.

  The needles are given in the normal skin, not into the inflamed area.

  There can be up to 15 needles on the face.

  Leave the needles for 20 minutes, along with the other acupuncture points on the body.

  No needle technique is used and no De Qi is obtained.

  This local needling causes the maximum effect on the acne, where the skin clears after each treatment.

  The patients love the effect, and never complain about the pain.

  The results are due to the fact that the local needling causes increased blood flow and circulation in the area.

Cosmetology 7

  Psoriasis is a normal papulosquamous disorder affecting 2% of the population and is characterized by well-demarcated red, scaly plaques.

  The skin becomes inflamed and hyperproliferates at about 10 times the normal rate. It affects males and females equally.

  The ages of onset are 16–22 years (early onset) and 55–60 years (late onset). Early-onset psoriasis is more common.

Guttate Psoriasis…

  ‘Raindrop-like’ psoriasis is a variant most commonly seen in children and young adults.

  It may start explosively after a streptococcal sore throat, when very small circular or oval plaques appear over the trunk.

Chronic Plaque Psoriasis…

  This is the most common type of psoriasis. It is characterized by pinkish red caly plaques, especially on extensor surfaces such as knees and elbows.
  The lower back, ears and scalp are also commonly involved. New plaques of psoriasis occur at sites of skin trauma.

Traditional Chinese Medicine view

  Thick, hard and raised reddish areas with white scales.

  Pruritus with bleeding or inflammation.

  Patches appear on arms, legs, torso, neck and scalp.

  Patches tend to wander and spread fast.


  General points – Sp 10, UB 17, Du 20, SI 8 sedation, TW 10 sedation.

  For elimination and circulation of dampness – LI 4, St 25, TW 6 and Sp 9, St 40, Lu 5.
  To eliminate heat: Lu 5.



  Avoid milk products, fatty foods and refined sugars.
  Avoid coffee and alcohol; reduce consumption of red meat.
  Treatment twice weekly for eight sessions, then once weekly for 6–8 sessions, then reduce frequency gradually.

Cosmetology 8
Root Cause:

  Grey or blue colour anywhere on the face or tongue is a sign of Kidney deficiency.
  Unfortunately, it does not tell us which aspect of the Kidney is weak.

  We have to rely on other information in order to find out what aspect is deficient, keeping in mind that both yin and yang could be weak in the Kidney.

Kidney yin deficiency

  There will be considerable dryness.

  The tongue can be dry and cracked and the skin will also be quite dry.

  The urine will be concentrated and low in volume; the stools can be hard and dark.

  There may be hot flushes and night sweating and the patient may feel energetic after rest and at nights but feel quite exhausted around midday.


  K 7 or K 10 (to tonify Kidney yin).

  GB 20 and LI 4 (for the eyes).

  These symptoms will show us that the Kidney yin and water are quite low in the body.

  The patient needs to drink water regularly, eat watery foods and fruits, and points K 7 or K 10 will be suitable in this case, along with GB 20 and LI 4 for the eyes.


  Resting the eye with a cooling gel pad intermittently, a good night’s sleep beginning well before midnight and applying milk to the skin are what the patient can do to improve the situation.

  If treated early, this is successfully eliminated. A chronic problem may not be so easy to treat.

Kidney yang deficiency

  As the Kidney function is low here, there will be water retention.

  The face and even the eyelids can be swollen, as may the feet and ankles.

  The night urination will be greater than day urination, and the urine can be turbid.

  There may be starting stiffness and coldness in the joints, especially in the knees and back.

  The patient has energy problems when starting the day, but feels reasonable by midday. They might be timid, fearful people.


  UB 23, K 3 (tonifies Kidney yang).

  UB 67 (tonifies Urinary Bladder yang and therefore, indirectly, Kidney yang).
As these are symptoms of Kidney yang deficiency, it would be good to treat this with points UB 23, K 3 and UB 67, and encourage the patient to do regular exercise or sports, especially exercise involving the back (such as push-ups).


  Warmth is as good as any treatment, and exposure to cold should be avoided.
  Red fish, the legs and feet of animals (chicken feet, pig trotters) and fish with bones (sardines, bait and shellfish) are all good sources of Kidney yang.


  Boil milk in a pan until a skin forms on top. Remove this skin, and store it in the fridge. Apply thickly around the eyes; if too dry, wet with some cold milk.
  Wash off after 20 minutes.

Cosmetology 9

Root Cause:

  Spleen Qi deficiency
  Triple Warmer Qi deficiency

It is very common in people with skin problems for the skin to be oily in certain places and dry in others. Two patterns occur:

Oily skin on face and dry skin on legs.
Patchy skin on the face, where one area is oily and another dry.


  This is a problem between the three warmers (San Jiao), where there is dampness stagnating in the upper warmer and yin deficiency in the lower.
  Treatment would be to descend the dampness from the upper and tonify the yin in the lower.

Patchy skin on the face, where one area is oily and another dry:

  This is caused by poor distribution of dampness in the skin surface.
  Since peripheral circulation of dampness is a Spleen function, this would be a symptom of Spleen Qi deficiency.

Treatment of Triple Warmer Qi deficiency

UB 22, UB 39, Lu 5, Sp 6, K 7.

Treatment of Spleen Qi deficiency 

UB 20, St 40, Sp 1.


  Massage the skin surface with light moisturizer to improve circulation.

  When treating oily skin, some subcutaneous local needling helps.

  When treating dry areas, better results may be obtained by tonifying the yin of the organs in that area.

  For example, dry legs would benefit from Kidney yin tonification, point K 7; or dry arms with point Lu 9 or H 9.

Cosmetology 10
  Damp stagnation in Spleen (recent)
Spleen Qi deficiency (somewhat chronic)
Spleen Blood and Qi deficiency (long term)

Root Cause

  A whole swollen face indicates severe dampness, whereas swollen eyelids reflect a milder state of dampness.

  It is a symptom of Spleen Qi deficiency, and the quantity of dampness in the Spleen will depend on how long the symptoms have been present: the longer the oedema, the lower the Spleen Blood will be.

  One function of Spleen Qi is to absorb nutrition from food and drink – and if the Spleen Qi has been deficient for a long time, then the absorbed nutrition for Blood-building will become gradually less, which causes Spleen Blood deficiency.


  So when the Spleen Qi deficiency is relatively recent, the patient will appear well nourished or even adipose;

  When it becomes a chronic problem, the patient is moderately nourished; when it is very chronic, the patient is rather thin or malnourished.

  The peripheral oedema – on eyelids, hands and feet or on face, arms and legs – will be proportionate to this.

Body acupuncture treatment

Spleen damp stagnation, relatively new state – UB 20, Sp 9, St 40, GB 20 and LI 4.
Spleen Qi deficiency, chronic state – UB 20, St 36, Sp 1, GB 20 and LI 4.
Spleen Blood and Qi deficiency – Liv 3, UB 20, Sp 3 and St 36, GB 20 and LI 4.

What the patient can do at home

  In all three states, it is important to avoid damp foods.

  No local needling is advised.

  Dissolve two tablespoons of sea salt granules in a cup of water; thinly slice a cucumber and soak in the water in the refrigerator.

  Lying down, place the slices of cucumber around the eyes, with the eyes shut.

  Remove after 10 minutes. This can be done daily or whenever the oedema is severe.

Cosmetology 11

  Cellulite usually begins around the hips and thighs and mostly along the yang meridians.

  The starting point is often the Gall Bladder, the lesser yang meridian, perhaps because the Qi in the Gall Bladder is less than in the other yang meridians.

  Cellulite describes dimpling of the skin, caused by protrusion of subcutaneous fat into the dermis, creating an undulating junction between the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Root Cause

  The Spleen nourishes muscle and fat and the function of the Spleen is to distribute fatty tissue evenly through the body, especially in the periphery.

  In the case of cellulite, the fat distribution is affected, and fatty tissue seems to stagnate without flow in certain parts of the body.

  So, on the one hand there is excessive fat, and on the other there is poor circulation of it. This creates the picture of imbalance described above.


  The problem in the meridian along which this problem occurs – which could be Gall Bladder but may also be Urinary Bladder or even Stomach, depending on the patient.

  So both Spleen and the affected meridians need to be balanced.

Body acupuncture treatment

  Gall Bladder – UB 19 (Back-Shu point), GB 37 (Luo point).

  Spleen – UB 20 (Back-Shu point), St 40 (Luo point).

What the patient can do at home

  As cellulite is a stagnation of fatty tissue, the patient can do many things at home to prevent its formation and to improve circulation.

  Foods that create fat tissue in the body are fatty foods, fatty milk products (low-fat milk products can be consumed in moderation), refined carbohydrates and sugars (though whole meal, fruit, sugar and honey are fine). These foods should be avoided.


  When fat tissue becomes too thick, the circulation is affected.

  It is, therefore, important that the patient drinks water regularly and throughout the day – the regularity is more important than the quantity consumed .

  Warm water is better than cool, and it is surprising how quickly patients come to enjoying warm water.

Physical Activity

  Finally, they should work daily at the area of the cellulite, massaging it with soft spiky toners and pummelling these areas so as to break the stagnation.

  Sitting cross-legged on the floor and moving sideways and forward and back in this position, causing friction on areas of cellulite (‘bum walking’), for 15 minutes a day in the comfort of their home is an additional method to help improve circulation of blood flow.

Cosmetology 12

  Patients often ask to be treated to lose weight and this is not at all easy to achieve.

  An increase in weight often occurs in the later years of life – for example after childbirth, during menopause or with a change of lifestyle.

  The metabolic rate seems to slow down and enters into a vicious cycle of suppressing Spleen Qi and the Qi of Heart, Liver and Kidney.

Body acupuncture treatment

To sedate Spleen damp and tonify Qi
  Sp 9, St 40, UB 20 and UB 21.
  Ren 12 - before the main meal (Moxa, Acupressure).

For tranquillizing and against stress or nervousness

  Du 20, P 6.

  Liv 1 (reducing craving for fatty and creamy foods).

  LI 4, TW 6 and St 25 (constipation points).

Against sweet cravings

  Sp 1 with moxa only (Ren 12 with moxa also helps).


  Obese patients are often overweight in one area of the body.

  If they are overweight in the middle, the upper and lower warmers are often empty.

  In this case it is useful to tonify the yin and yang aspects of these warmers, in order to distribute the fullness evenly.

  It is also possible to break the stagnation in one body warmer, by working on the back.

  (A) Full upper warmer; (B) full middle warmer; (C) fullness of lower warmer.

The level as follows:

  Thorax – from the level of C6 to the level of T6

  Abdomen – from T7 to L2

  Lower abdomen – from L3 to S4.

  Points to tonify upper warmer – Ren 14, Lu 1, UB 13, UB 15, P 6

  Points to tonify lower warmer – Ren 3, UB 23, UB 28, K 7 and UB 67.

Clinical Administration…

Tips, Tricks & Technique…

Thank You…

Prof. Healer. A. W. SALAAUDEEN

Prof. Healer. S. NARGIS WAHAAB

& Our Healer Team . . .